Operation Blue Christmas

The goal of the program is to provide positive interaction with our local youth and Weatherford Police Officers. 

The Foundation is proud to partner with Weatherford Police Department’s Blue Guardian program for Christmas.  WISD Counselors and Freedom House selected ten children to participate in the program. These children were partnered with a WPD officer for a Christmas shopping spree at Target. The morning began with breakfast provided by Chic-Fil-A and a surprise visit from Santa! Following breakfast, the kids got to ride in a police car to Target where they got to shop with a cop.  The Foundation provided funding for the children to select a gift for each of their siblings as well as one for themselves.  Several local businesses donated gifts and treats so that each child received a goodie and hot cocoa and snacks while volunteers worked with the kids to wrap the many gifts.



Weatherford Texas Police & Fire Foundation
614 Fort Worth Highway
Weatherford, TX 76086


Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm

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